Embrace a new era of efficiency, flexibility, and innovation that will propel your vehicles to new heights.

The automotive sector is undergoing a significant transformation to meet evolving customer expectations for convenience, safety, autonomy, and electrification. This paradigm shift is driving the industry towards software-centric vehicles, increasing complexity, and necessitating continuous efforts in design, development, testing, and monitoring. While current testing methods primarily rely on Hardware-in-Loop (HIL) simulations to validate ECUs, challenges arise when hardware availability is limited, or software components are at different stages of development. To tackle this issue, the automotive industry is exploring Virtual ECU (vECU) simulations. 

vECUs offer several advantages such as advancing validation efforts upfront, enhancing testing scalability, and promoting better collaboration within the ecosystem. 

Embrace ECU virtualization solutions to liberate yourself from conventional hardware-dependent development cycles. Enjoy accelerated development, cost savings, and improved collaboration. Embrace flexibility and scalability to ensure your vehicles remain future proof in a dynamic automotive industry. 


Cost efficiency

Build To Operate Co-Design To Target Passenger Experience Engineered To Fly

Enhanced Flexibility

Build To Operate Co-Design To Target Passenger Experience Engineered To Fly

Improved Collaboration

Build To Operate Co-Design To Target Passenger Experience Engineered To Fly

What We Offer?

Silver, a virtual ECU platform, provides a comprehensive option for validating the entire vehicle electronic system without having to depend on physical hardware. 
  • Accelerates development timelines through virtual simulations, reducing reliance on physical hardware. 
  • Lowers costs associated with hardware procurement, maintenance, and testing setups. 
  • Enhances collaboration among teams and stakeholders with a unified platform for virtual ECU development. 
  • Provides flexibility in testing and validation, adapting to different software development stages and hardware availability. 
  • Scales effectively to handle complexities of automotive software systems and changing industry demands. 
  • Mitigates risks by enabling early detection and resolution of software and integration issues. 
  • Future-proofs vehicles by leveraging advanced simulation capabilities for upcoming automotive technologies. 

Do you want to Implement Synopsys Silver?

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