Understanding DELMIA Virtual Simulation

Typically, in a manufacturing organization, after the design stage and before manufacturing, there is a stage involving planning/PPC and manufacturing engineering. DELMIA (Digital Enterprise Lean Manufacturing Interactive Application) helps organizations to do feasibility study and process validations during detailed process planning immediately after the design stage.

Below are three DELMIA digital manufacturing solutions which can be used in the day-to-day workings of a Simulation Engineer to plan and manufacture.

  • Assembly Simulation
  • While planning for assembly processes, one always needs to take care of feasibility for fitting and disassembly sequence for maintenance purposes. Many organizations perform study on the actual part or the prototype which is expensive and time-consuming. Also, multiple iterations are involved in the study as it is in later stages of design.

    To avoid these challenges, planners can use virtual tools like Assembly Simulation and simulate the assembly and disassembly sequences and check for multiple possibilities. By doing this, they can validate the assemblies for static and dynamic clash, ease of doing maintenance, tool accessibility etc.


  • Robotics
  • Many organizations use robots for speed, repeatability and accuracy of work or in hazardous environments like welding. Robot programming with technical support for a particular task is a tedious job and it takes the production time of the robot which is expensive due to loss of productivity.

    With DELMIA Robotics, one can teach the robot in the virtual world for welding, material handling, painting, machining, shot peening etc. After validating the program, one can transfer it to the actual robot. After some minor corrections, the robot will work as needed. Hence, the organization can save time and money by using these robots as they can work uninterrupted for a long time.


  • Ergonomics
  • There are two aspects in ergonomics:

    1. Ergonomics of the shop floor for comfort and safety of the worker.
    2. Product ergonomics for consumer experience.

    At times organizations do ergonomics study by producing expensive prototypes or apply their learnings from previous experiences. Many times one can observe that workers are not productive because of the work environment. Due to this, there is a productivity loss to the company.

    Using virtual validation of ergonomics, one can improve the work experience of the worker as well as enhance consumer experience. Ergonomics study is useful to ensure comfort, ease of use, reduce fatigue and ensure more productivity. By checking the feasibility and reachability, one can ensure safety and reduction in stress level of the user.

    DELMIA’s ergonomics solutions can help you to do interior design of automobiles and airplanes, work safety analysis and maintenance tasks.


Performance settings in CATIA V5

There are many ways to manage the performance of CATIA V5 & accuracy of models. To improve performance & increase productivity, we need to configure the settings properly. Some of these options are discussed in detail in this document. These will immensely benefit CATIA users.

    1. Undo Stack

Undo ➞ Stack size ➞ change from 10 to 5

Stack Size defines the maximum number of commands which can be undone for each document. Lower the value better the performance. More the stack value, more will be the memory consumption.

Tools ➞ Options ➞ General ➞ PCS ➞ Undo stack size


    1. Virtual Memory Setting

Virtual memory of the system should be set to recommended value.

Set trigger memory from 70% to 90%.

A warning message gets activated when the application detects that the memory consumption exceeds the given threshold.


    1. Set 2D and 3D Accuracy for Display

2D and 3D Accuracy settings can be controlled at:

Tools ➞ Options ➞ Display ➞ Performance

Set 2D and 3D Accuracy to maximum value (0.5 or 1.0).


    1. 3D Accuracy Settings for Display

The 3D Accuracy Setting controls the tessellation of surfaces.


Calculating tessellation according to object size. The larger the object, the coarser will be the tessellation. For the same accuracy value, the tessellation on small objects will always be finer than on the larger objects.


It sets a fixed accuracy value for calculating tessellation on all objects which does not vary with object size.

Capture1 Capture2

In Fixed settings option, user can set a sag value (from 0.01 to 10) for calculating tessellation on all objects which does not vary with object size. The sag value defines the chordal deviation for curves and surfaces.

    1. Pixel Culling
      • The minimum object size in pixels technology is used to define the size in pixels of objects to be displayed or hidden in the geometry.
      • Setting a high value enables to quickly move large parts.
      • Setting a low value displays more details. For example, setting a value of 2 means that objects whose size on screen is lower than 2 pixels are static.


    1. Anti-Aliasing
      • This technology is used to smooth out the uneven edges of objects.
      • For better performance, anti-aliasing should be disabled.

Tools ➞ Options ➞ General ➞ Display ➞ Visualization


    1. Level of Detail (LOD)
      • The Level of Detail technology or LOD adjusts the polygonal representation of an object to the distance of the user. The idea is that it is not always necessary to view a high level of detail in the geometry because some objects are far away, enough to make the detail meaningless.
      • Set a high value to remove details.
      • Set a low value to see all details.


    1. Occlusion Culling
      • The occlusion culling technology improves rendering performance by rendering visible objects only. It is used to detect and prevent occluded objects from being rendered.
      • Occlusion culling optimizes memory consumption and CPU usage.
      • Recommended for large and highly compartmented assemblies.


      • Use approximate mode for creating views in drafting.

Tools ➞ options ➞ Mechanical design ➞  drafting ➞ View ➞ View generation mode ➞  approximate view

      • Use CGR management while working on large assemblies.

Tools ➞ options ➞  Infrastructure  ➞ Product Infrastructure  ➞ Cache management ➞ Check work with cache system

      • Proper CATIA Media Setup

CATIA V5 64 bit is to be installed on a 64-bit machine. Also install updated service packs for respective release on GA code.

      • Recommended DS Hardware

System configuration should be as recommended by Dassault Systèmes. Refer the below link.


      • Cleaning Data

Assembly cleaning: Regularly clean the assembly as mentioned below:

Files  ➞ desk  ➞ right click on part/product  ➞  CATDUAV5 ➞  select priority 3 ➞ check clean option at bottom  ➞ RUN

Repeat this procedure for all parts and products.

      • Corrupted CATSettings

Delete corrupted CATSetting.

For Operating System: Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator (User Name) \Application Data\DassaultSystemes\CATSettings

For Operating System: Winows7/10

C\User\Username\App Data\ DassaultSystemes\Roaming\CATSettings

Delete all files in CATSettings folder (except licensing file).

Using Publications in CATIA V5

With the help of Publications in CATIA V5, one can make different geometrical features available for use in the specification tree.

One can publish a plane, a sketch or a parameter which is not readily visible in the specification tree.

In assembly workbench, during Contextual Design, Publication option becomes very useful.

    1. In CATIA V5, go to Tools ↦ Publication

The Publication command is used to:

      • Publish a geometrical element
      • Edit the default name of the published element
      • Replace geometric element associated with the given name
      • Create a published element list
      • Import this published element list
      • Delete the published element

Publication dialog box shown below:


In Assembly Design workbench, the dialog box also displays a Browse button.

  1. Following geometries can be published in CATIA V5:
    • Wireframe features (Points, Lines, Planes and Curves)
    • Sketches
    • Bodies i.e. part body, other bodies
    • Different Part Design features like Pad, Pocket, and Hole etc.
    • GSD features like Extrude Surface, Fill, and Join etc.
    • Freestyle Design features like Planar Patches, Curves etc.
    • Sub-elements of all geometrical elements like Faces, Edges, Vertices etc.
    1. In the image displayed below, Face is selected as an element to publish which is highlighted in the geometry.


    1. Rename the face as Branch1_Face. The face is published as


To publish axes, right-click cylindrical faces and select Other Selection à Axis.

Rename it to Branch1_Axis.


    1. During the use of Publication, one can decide to rename or not rename the elements that are published by using Options menu in the dialog box. Before renaming, one of the following work modes can be set:
      • Never – This is the default option. It will not allow to rename the published element.
      • Always – One can always rename the published element.
      • Ask – The application will ask whether to rename the published element or not.



    • One can rename any element except for axes, edges and faces.
    • Exclamation mark is not allowed for renaming the published element.
    1. Check Ask and click OK to exit.

As shown in the following image, a face and an axis of the CRIC_Branch_1 part has been published.


Advantages of using Publications in CATIA V5.

 Publishing geometry has the following advantages:

    • Published geometry can be given a name which can easily be recognized e.g. in case of publishing edges, faces etc.
    • Publications are used to make a particular geometry easily accessible from the specification tree.
    • By using the required setting, only published elements can be used as an external reference if it is the requirement.
    • Publications are very helpful when replacing one component of an assembly with another because published elements having the same name are automatically reconnected during replacement. Else one would have to reconnect them manually if they were not published.

Save Time, Cost and Improve Accuracy of your Work Instructions by adopting 3D Model-based approach

While there are multiple Work Instructions formats, for the past few years, there is a debate on the suitability and applicability of the appropriate format. This might be the time to put that debate to rest. There are many studies which show that something which is graphic and in pictorial form is more likely to be understood and easier to use. Work Instructions are among the first things which are digitized in Industry 4.0. With the use of right application, it will be an important step for digital transformation and also have a significant impact on manufacturing operations.

What if one could deliver common Work Instructions of multiple configurations to the right people at the right time?

Shop floor deliverables have become much more accurate and precise by using 3D Work Instructions. This was not the case earlier. In the absence of 3D Work Instructions, organizations faced significant loss of time by imparting training to their workforce or making them understand how the system works. It is also not very easy to maintain Work Instructions on paper or in file format. If one compares this with digital Work Instructions, one can see that it is very easy to maintain and minimize the efforts of engineers. These Instructions can be reused for different configurations as well as for different locations considering how rapidly manufacturing processes get changed.

DELMIA Work Instructions help in making:

  1. Operations in sequence
  2. Standard links
  3. Part and tool list
  4. Product and tool list
  5. Markup visual aids

One can also make Work Instructions for machine maintenance, which is majorly of two types:

  1. Preventive Maintenance (PM) includes inspections, condition monitoring, services, and testing.
  2. Corrective Maintenance includes repairs and replacements.

Preventive Maintenance is further broadly classified into three types of tasks:

On-condition tasks – On-condition tasks are used to address specific failure modes of equipment and in most cases seek to determine the condition of equipment and more specifically identifying potential failures associated with the failure mode. This can include inspections, measurements, and condition monitoring.

  1. Fixed interval tasks – Fixed interval tasks are used to address failure modes where the wear-out or failure life is well known and the tasks are performed irrespective of the prevailing condition. These include component change outs that are either refurbished or discarded (as determined during the earlier task development stage), cleaning, lubrication, calibration, and adjustments.
  2. Failure finding tasks – These are used to detect failures of protective devices. These can be safety-related devices or equipment protection devices. Tasks can include manually activating the device such as pull wires on conveyors or limit switches, artificially simulating conditions for the devices such as using synthetic smoke to test smoke detectors, restricting flow for low flow switches, lowering, or raising levels for level switches, injecting electrical current into high voltage overloads or circuit breakers.

Corrective Maintenance Work Instructions

Work Instructions are only used for complex or difficult corrective maintenance. OEMs often provide detailed instructions for maintenance of their equipment in the form of workshop manuals or procedures.

Where a Work Instruction is required, it should contain:

  • The equipment number and description at the lowest level in the equipment hierarchy.
  • Equipment isolation and preparation for maintenance (such as releasing stored hydraulic pressure).
  • A sequence and description of the tasks in sufficient detail so that there is no misunderstanding of what is required.
  • Specifications pertaining to individual tasks (such as bolt tightening torque requirements).
  • Warnings of potential hazards for the maintainer.
  • Damage to the equipment while undertaking particular tasks.
  • Tips on how best to undertake the task (such as positioning or handling).
  • Pictures and diagrams can be very useful, particularly if uncertainty is likely while performing the task.
  • Parts required including Stock Number or Manufacturer Number.
  • Specific tools required.

DELMIA 3D – Work Instructions are increasingly getting adopted by organizations in the present digitized world. At EDS Technologies, we help organizations discover the value of this application and ensure a seamless integration with their digital manufacturing processes. We also encourage to our manufacturing customers to start with DELMIA 3D – Work Instructions which will reduce their time and effort significantly and thereby increase efficiency.


Innovative Design with 3DEXPERIENCE on Cloud

Consumer’s expectation to experience a product before buying has triggered organizations to adopt new solutions for developing innovative products by unleashing creativity and brainstorming ideas in their ecosystem with a collaborative platform.

Industrial designers do real-time collaboration with other teams like engineering, marketing, and production. They propose their ideas, take feedbacks, incorporate changes, and improve the product quality.

Mechanical engineers explore innovative solutions and workable concepts for the detailed design. They try and enhance design of mechanical parts, overcome new challenges by enriching their design with sophisticated and complex surfaces and by benefitting from existing designs. They even use engineered parts and explore new manufacturing possibilities by editing specific features and drill down to rough components. 3DEXPERIENCE on Cloud offers multiple applications with industry leading features for detailed mechanical design of the rough parts and also check the feasibility to ensure proper manufacturing requirements are met.

Today, I would like to discuss 3DEXPERIENCE Natural Shape which enables forging industry to create and redesign innovative products and tooling.

3DEXPERIENCE Natural Shape enables inverse design for precision forging

Today, the forging industry has replaced the conventional forging process (forging with flash) by precision forging enabling them to manufacture forging parts in large quantities with lower cost. This benefit is in terms of enhanced geometrical and dimensional accuracy. This approach tries to create a net shape or at least a near-net shape part due to which process design, die design and die manufacturing have become critical for forging suppliers.


Recently, many forging suppliers faced the challenge of inverse design. We analyzed this challenge and realized that they are receiving non-history CAD data of finished forging part as input. Thus, the designers adopted reverse approach starting from the geometry of the finished forging part and then proceeded to determine the geometry of the work piece from previous stages (intermediate stages) going backwards towards the starting billet. 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Natural Shape allows direct manipulation of the 3D geometry; creating and modifying volumes and surfaces; edit any other CAD formats; precise geometry definition; respecting mechanical design semantic like fillets, drafts, patterns, etc. Natural Shape unified user interface allows designers to accelerate their design with natural manipulations and contextual interactions. Furthermore, designers can go ahead with the detailed design process; they can also benefit from all the CATIA modeler capabilities, including functional design, advanced feature-based approach, tolerant modeling capabilities and knowledge-ware design automation.

Natural Shape, Natural Sketch and Natural Assembly applications of 3DEXPERIENCE on Cloud provide today’s industry a complete and unified design solution to enhance creativity and design quality. With these and other 3DEXPERIENCE on Cloud apps, one can bring together all aspects of their customer business on a single cloud-based platform to increase collaboration, improve execution and accelerate innovation.

3DEXPERIENCE Cloud platform enables industries to design innovative products by:

  • Imagining and exploring creative styling ideas in 3D with 3D sketching.
  • Creating and fine-tuning 3D shapes and surfaces with integrated surfacing technologies.
  • Experiencing design intent in the context of high-end real-time visualization and immersive experience.
  • Presenting and making design decisions with interactive real-time experience and reducing decision-making time using concurrent engineering.
  • Designing complex mechanical parts.
  • Avoiding repetitive tasks by reusing existing design assets.
  • Exploring innovative solutions and workable concepts for detailed design.
  • Collaborating with your team and others.
  • Working on large assemblies.
  • Being more efficient in everyday tasks.
  • Reducing design and manufacturing errors with process-oriented features.

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