Automate your CAD using CATIA V5 Macros

Performing repetitive tasks manually leads to a loss of productivity. This is one of the major reasons why organizations are increasingly trying to automate processes which helps to reduce manual labour, design time and increase productivity. In CATIA V5, repetitive manual tasks can be automated using CATIA V5 Macros.

There are two ways to create CATIA V5 Macros:

  • Recording a macro.
  • Writing a macro.


How to Record a Macro in CATIA V5:
  • Launch CATIA V5 & Go to Tools 🡆 Macro 🡆 Start Recording.


Automate your CAD using CATIA V5 Macros-1


  • Now, you can specify the macro library in which you want to save the recorded macro, specify the name you want to give to the recorded macro & click Start.


Automate your CAD using CATIA V5 Macros-2


  • Now, perform the operations which you want to automate in CATIA V5 e.g., Open Part Design Workbench 🡆 Create A Sketch 🡆 Create Pad.


  • Once all the operations that you want to automate are completed, click on Stop Macro Recording.


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  • Now, to perform the task automatically, run the recorded macro by clicking Tools 🡆 Macro 🡆 Macros or simply by pressing Alt+F8 keys.


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  • Now, select the Macro Library, the macro which you want to run & click on Run.


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  • The task will now be performed automatically e.g.; pad is created automatically.


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You can modify the recorded macro and use that macro to create all the variants of a product.

For example, if you need to create multiple bolts which are having different diameters then you don’t need to create all the bolts manually, you can automate the bolts creation process and the parameters can be entered using “input-box”.


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How to Write a Macro in CATIA V5:

CATIA V5 Macro can be written in three languages:

  • Visual Basic 6
  • VBA
  • VB Script / CATScript



Applications of CATIA V5 Macros:

Macros can be used for Automating the Below set of Scenarios:

  • Repeated Set of Tasks: Create/Insert customised title block, saving images of annotation views to PowerPoint, extract BOM table to excel, etc.
  • Create Templates & Standardise the Company Workflow: For example, you have a standard template of part in which only few parameters might vary. The part can be created using automation and the parameters can be put in by the user.
  • Quality Checking Process: Macros can be used to automate the predefined quality checks like checking whether material is applied, font style in drawing, proper tree structure in assembly etc. Based on the check results, we can perform additional tasks.



Advantages of CATIA V5 Macros:
  • Faster Completion: 90% of the time can be saved in product design using CATIA V5 Macros.
  • Error-free: As there is no human interaction while performing the repeated set of tasks, there are minimal chances of error.
  • Run the Automation During Non-Working Hours: As macros can work automatically, repeated set of tasks can be performed during non-working hours which ultimately increases productivity by reducing design time.

Achieve Product Design Excellence with CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE

CATIA is one of the widely used software applications for product design across various industries. CATIA has helped organizations to conceptualize, design and conform to the ever-changing industry standards and requirements. Across industry lines, CATIA still proves to be the most preferred product design application for any organizations.

CATIA, now powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform delivers unmatched capabilities of integration with existing processes and tools of any organization. 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides single source of truth dashboard to the entire business line of a company. It enables real-time concurrent design and engineering giving visibility to all the stakeholders in a single window. This eventually drives high levels of business intelligence and unprecedented collaboration between various departments of the organization. This not only saves precious time, thereby helping in meeting the challenging deadlines but also provides organizations to dedicate more brain power in planning the road ahead so as to be prepared for a completely volatile future.

CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE is much more than a CAD application. It connects all other departments of the organization through a common thread. CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE also facilitates Product Data Management & Product Lifecycle Management powered by ENOVIA.

This not only helps in predictability but also empowers organizations to manage changes efficiently. Lesser number of iterations for the New Developed Products means faster launches, lesser wastage and more profitability.

CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE delivers unmatched capabilities in multiple disciplines:


DESIGN/STYLING: In transportation industry, the style & design of the product plays a major role in its success in the market. Develop shape & material creativity, reach a high level of surface sophistication & quality, and get the right decision tools with physical & virtual prototypes in CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE.

Few roles to mention:

  • Product Designer
  • Transportation Designer
  • Class-A Expert

Achieve Product Design Excellence with CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE1

ENGINEERING: Mechanical engineers equipped with CATIA 3D Modeling tools can gain insight into key factors of quality and performance early in the product development phase. Digital prototyping, combined with digital analysis and simulation, allows product development teams to virtually create and analyze a mechanical product in its operating environment.

Few roles to mention:

  • Airframe Composites Designer
  • Electrical 3D Systems Designer
  • Function Driven Generative Designer

Achieve Product Design Excellence with CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE2

CONSTRUCTION: Robust, industry-specific process experience and roles to design and engineer complex buildings and infrastructure projects based on 3DEXPERIENCE virtual twin technology.

Few roles to mention:

  • Building Design Engineer
  • Building Structures Engineer
  • Building and Civil 3D MEP Designer

Achieve Product Design Excellence with CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE1

SYSTEMS ENGINEERING: The Systems Engineering solution from Dassault Systèmes delivers a unique, open and extensible development platform – a platform that fully integrates the cross-discipline modeling, simulation, verification and business process support needed for developing complex ‘cyber-physical’ products. It enables organizations to quickly and easily evaluate requests for changes or develop new products or system variants, while utilizing a unified performance-based systems engineering approach that reduces the overall cost of system and product development.

Few roles to mention:

  • Battery Systems Engineer for Transportation & Mobility
  • Avionics Architect
  • 3D Routed Systems Designer

Achieve Product Design Excellence with CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE1

CATIA and 3DEXPERIENCE platform together can take the innovation, adaptability, profitability and efficiency of an organization to a whole new level.

How companies optimize their Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Processes?

Organizations are adopting Lightweight Engineering solutions to optimize their design, engineering and manufacturing processes. R&D departments in the Automotive and Aerospace sector is increasingly considering ways to adopt Lightweight Engineering solution to develop the new product designs.

There are multiple methods to optimize the weight, shape and material selection of parts and assembly. However, Lightweight Engineering is much more than this. Lightweight Engineering is the optimization of design, engineering and manufacturing processes which helps to create and evaluate new types of concepts and techniques that will make better lighter products.

How companies optimize their Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Processes-1


There are multiple challenges which are faced while designing a part for Lightweight Engineering. Some of the challenges are listed below:

  • How to optimize the weight and shape of the design and further simulate and test virtually considering the entire Vehicle or Aircraft Design?
  • How to optimize fastening in complex assemblies?
  • How to achieve paperless engineering and manufacturing?
  • How to optimize the process for composites from design to engineering to manufacturing stages?
  • How to achieve a complex sheet metal part design right the first time in Aerospace and Automotive sectors?
  • How to manage weight and balance workflow to achieve the KPI?

How companies optimize their Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Processes-2


To address the above challenges, there are multiple processes and digital validation solutions which traditionally work in silos. However, a single solution which can carry design, engineering and manufacturing processes with the same digital thread without any data loss is desirable and preferred as well.

CATIA for Lightweight Engineering solution addresses the above challenges through:

  • Cognitive Augmented Design with respect to Additive Manufacturing with best trade-off analysis approach
  • Simulation Driven Design for Digital Continuity with SFE concept
  • Reverse Engineering Processes with methodology and approach – from scan of “as built” or FEA deformation prediction results
  • Fastener analysis and review in earlier stages for complex Assemblies
  • Fully optimized process from design to simulation to manufacturing for composites
  • First time right approach for complex sheet metal parts by considering manufacturing constraints
  • Quicker design innovations in Mold Tool Designs
  • Predicting the change management with best impact analysis approach
  • Predicting mass distribution to balance weight in the earlier stages for large assemblies
  • Increasing the quality of manufactured products with minimal tolerancing and drawing interpretation errors by 100% Product Manufacturing Information in 3D for accurate & annotated geometric definition

Memory Management in CATIA V5 Drafting

Memory consumption in CATIA V5 drafting depends on the CAD data that is loaded in the CATIA session. The memory consumption increases due to loading of both 2D and 3D data, which further increases due to loading of the data in design mode. This blog focuses on the causes of high memory consumption and the ways to identify and manage the memory consumption issue in case of CATIA V5 drafting workbench.

Memory problem diagnosis in Generative Drafting:

In CATIA V5 Drafting, users generally face low virtual memory condition or the full memory space condition which is indicated by the Operating System error panel when there is no memory or low memory available.

In such cases, CATIA may crash with or without any warning message.

Memory Warning: Warning message appears as per the trigger set by the user in Tools à Options.


The pop-up message warns the user to save the data and exit the session as the available memory is low (the percentage of memory use needs to be set by the user).

Memory save by selecting required “View generation mode”

There are 4 types of view generation mode available in CATIA V5 Drafting.

1. Exact
2. Approximate
3. CGR
4. Raster


Choice of View generation mode:

    1. Exact Mode: This view generation mode is used when fillet edges, threads, exact 2D geometry, complex breakout, unfolded view or associative 2D dimensions need to be created.

Tips to optimize the memory in Exact Mode:

      • Exact preview for view generation: When this option is deactivated, a part or product which is already open in Visualization mode will not be loaded in the design mode for the preview thus optimizing the memory consumption.


Geometry generation / Dress-up: Fillet representation, generation of Axis-lines/Centre-Lines/Threads needs to be deactivated if not needed. These elements will not be generated in the views thereby reducing the memory required for the view generation.


      • “Enable Occlusion Culling” option should be used to hide many instances or bodies. Only the parts visible in the view will be loaded instead of loading all the parts which occurs by default thus saving the memory consumption and CPU usage.


      • If the smallest instances inside the product structure need not be loaded, “Only generate parts larger than” can be used to filter these small instances.


      • Different fillet projection modes have varied memory consumption. “Boundaries” option as shown below requires the least memory consumption whereas “Projected original edges” requires the maximum memory in fillet generation.


  1. Approximate Mode:
    • Approximate views are lower in precision and quality when compared to exact views. This mode reduces the memory consumption and improves the system performance.
    • Approximate view consumes lesser memory than CGR.
    • Approximate view generation is faster than CGR.
  1. CATIA Graphical Representation Mode:
    • CGR views are generated by using the Visualization data. It is only the graphical representation of the geometry.
    • CGR views are lower in quality when compared to exact view and consume less memory during generation. However, the view generation is little slow.
  1. Raster Mode:
    • Raster views are generated as images. This helps to quickly generate views for large products or assemblies, regardless of drawing quality.
    • This mode consumes very little memory. This does not load the parts in the design mode. If only an overview is needed, Raster mode is used to get a 2D geometry image.

How does Adoption of CATIA 3D Master benefit Design and Manufacturing Companies?


The emerging trends in the market and the progression towards Industry 4.0 indicate an increased need for “Model Based Definition” (MBD) or 3D GD&T in design and manufacturing companies.

GD&T is used by engineers in drawings to convey design details to manufacturing teams.

With the increased adoption of Model Based Definition, engineers now place GD&T directly into 3D models instead of generating in 2D drawings. This would make 3D geometry as a “Single Source of Design Information”.

CATIA 3D Master (FTA) allows the designer to create GD&T for designed parts as well as for assemblies.

Once the FTA is done, the same data can be shared to manufacturing teams so that they can directly access the design data along with GD&T eliminating the need for traditional drawing sheets.


Evolution of the Design Process:

The design process has undergone a transformation over the past 50 years. The below infographic shows the evolution of the design process from 1970 to the present day.


Advantages of CATIA 3D Master (FTA):

There are many advantages in using CATIA 3D Master as compared to creating GD&T in 2D drawing sheets. Some of them are listed below:

  • Eliminates the effort to generate and update 2D documents according to the 3D geometry definitions
  • Can re-use the design from previous projects quickly
  • FTA implementation can eliminate the time taken to create the drawings
  • Since CATIA 3D Master acts as a “Single Source of Truth”, the latest version of the data is always available
  • Helps to increase the quality of manufactured products
  • Ensures compliance to international standards
  • Leads to better communication since the work flow is entirely 3D based
  • Reduces drafting time, supports paperless design and increases the collaboration with customers and suppliers

Adopting and implementing CATIA 3D Master (FTA) ensures companies to reduce design time and that the products reach the market quickly.

Save options in CATIA V5

There are multiple ways to save a document in CATIA V5. It sometimes depends on organization guidelines. In this blog, multiple options of saving a document in CATIA V5 are discussed. For saving a CATIA V5 document, three options are available. Click on Tools ➜ Options ➜ General ➜ under General tab ➜ Data Save to access these options. The save options are as follows:

  • No automatic backup
  • Automatic backup every ___ minutes
  • Incremental backup

Save options in CATIA V5-1

No automatic backup

The documents here are not saved automatically.

Automatic backup

This is the option which is enabled by default and user can choose after how many minutes data should be saved automatically. It depends on the user what save frequency he wants.

The default value given here is 30 mins.

Incremental backup

This option is not available for all the workbenches. In this case, the documents that are open are stored in a directory which is temporary. It enables data recovery up to the last interaction.

Other Ways to Save a Document in CATIA


This option is used to save a current file.

Save All

This option is used to save every part or product for each modification.

Save As

Dassault Systèmes CATIA V5 has a native part file format of CATPart but the application allows users to save the part in other formats like STEP and IGES allowing exchange of CAD data using a common file type.

Save options in CATIA V5-2

Save Management

This is used when there are complex or large assemblies to save the data storage time. The use of Save Management functions is recommended when there is a large assembly with multiple parts. The reason for this is the complexity. Using normal Save, entire model will be restored, which lengthens the data storage time in case of complex assemblies and results in large amounts of data.

Saving data using the Save Management function will save only new and modified parts. Unchanged parts will be preserved and there is no need to restore the same data. This feature shortens storage time, which is particularly important when storing large and complex models/sets on the server.

Save options in CATIA V5-3

Propagate Directory

This option saves the complete model or assembly to a new location in the same folder. If we edit or make a change it will be done in the selected folder and all parts of the assembly will also be copied to the main assembly location.

Save options in CATIA V5-5

Saving files in lower version

Many a times there will be a requirement of saving files in lower version as the person to whom it is shared may not be having the same release.

For this, the downward compatibility option is used.

Select the desired option and save.

Click on Tools ➜ Downward Compatibility ➜ Save

Save options in CATIA V5-5

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